Coronavirus: The Game Plan For Trading This Historic Bear Market

How do you handle a once in a lifetime pandemic? My philosophy is to never panic, always plan and over prepare to ready myself for every conceivable potential outcome. The idea here is to work hard to prosper if the worst happens. While it make seem like overkill for something that might be for naught,... Continue Reading →

On Trade Management (Setups, Risk & Market Variables)

Years ago I was enamored with setups. The thought process was that if I could develop a fool proof setup that crushed the market, I would print money. It found my setup, and it worked for a while. Conditions were ripe, and money was printed. I thought it would last forever, but it didn't. Just... Continue Reading →

How To Create A Killer Trading Journal

Every successful trader knows a trading journal is the secret to trading success. No, the secret is not reading about a holy grail setup or mimicking a trading guru. And yes, while studying thousands of charts and recognizing patterns is important, the next step in gaining mastery is breaking down your own trades. For this... Continue Reading →

On Trading Bear Markets

Bear and Corrective Markets A bear market is tough to trade if you don't understand the fundamental trading adaptations that must be made to trade it effectively. Shorting in bear markets ain't easy or for the faint of  heart. However, if you know what to look for and are patient and strategic, they will lead... Continue Reading →

The Road to Swing Trading Mastery

Over at where I run the swing trading service, I have been running the "30 days to mastering swing trading" challenge. I sought to get traders *actively* involved in learning, rather than just mindlessly reading through articles on trading. Each day I go over an important concept, then review it in a detailed video,... Continue Reading →

Would You Let Your Mom Make That Trade

When you place a bad trade, you are only accountable to yourself. People can't punish themselves effectively. Sure you can get mad at yourself, call yourself an idiot, but then you move on. Usually, you'll make that same mistake again. Now imagine instead of you making that trade, it's your mom. Mom is going to... Continue Reading →

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